Vegetable cultivationCSA
Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) at Fromburger Farm started in spring 2017 with a small self-built greenhouse, a handful of supporters, and a lot of idealism. Since then, our garden has been continually growing: Today, vegetables grow on one hectare of land, including over 600 square meters under greenhouse. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants can therefore grow beautifully and ripen perfectly. Tomatoes are available here from early summer in all colors, shapes, and sizes – for direct consumption, takeaway, and enjoyment. Our gardening year starts in April and ends in December (with the onset of frost). By cultivating reproducible and tasty vegetable varieties, our assortment fundamentally differs from hybrid varieties in supermarkets.
All common vegetables are grown outdoors (lettuce, cabbage, beans, carrots, zucchini, etc.) and partially under cover (e.g. tomatoes, eggplants and peppers). Fruits, flowers, berries and a herb garden complete the offering. Our CSA garden is integrated into the farm, not only as a simple vegetable cultivation but as an integral part of the farm cycle. Free collection of vegetables – Our garden team harvests vegetables and brings them to collection points every Saturday morning in Wecker, Junglinster or Echternach. Self-harvesting – CSA members can come to Fromburger farm every week to pick up their box of vegetables and fruits, enjoy the garden and spend a day on the farm.
Our members are invitedto use the comfortable community place in the garden with pizza oven and barbecue!
Throughout the year, we organize various activities for young and old on the farm. Every year, we celebrate a small harvest festival in autumn, towards the end of the gardening season.
Fromburg Pictures
Fromburg Pictures
Fromburg Pictures